It was all drama at Parliament building this morning as President Chakwera was opening the 50th session of Parliamentary sitting, following displays from opposition members.
The morning promised to to be loaded with drama as opposition Members were seen clad in hessian clothing as one way of expressing their displeasure and dissatisfaction with how President Chakwera is running government affairs.
Asked why they chose to put on such kind of attire, Zomba Malosa legislator Grace Kwelepeta said; they decided to show the President that they were disappointed with him and his government, mainly due to the flop of the AIP program.
However, this did not go well with members from the government benches that led to one Ntchisi South Legislator standing on a point of order, demanding the ejection of Opposition Members clad in such unique regalia. The move was shot down and house business proceeded.
The epitome of the drama came when the State President was entering the chamber.
The Malawi leader was greeted by massive booing from opposition benches punctuated by some anti government chants.
As if that was not enough, the President entered and took his seat while all oppostion members remained seated.
Nonetheless, the President proceeded delivering the State Of the Nation Address amidst sustained booing from the opposition, while the government side reminded dead silent.